ドールの写真アルバム。These all albums are doll photo. All of them are just a doll.
以前使っていたレイアウトスタイルのフォトページはこちらです。Old style photo page is here.

Jan.1~ / 2024

There are 57 albums.

Last Updated Album


Album Number #366

Model: AXBdoll "GE98" Full-Silicone Zelex Inspiration 165cm(R)

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.11.2024

Taken them on Nov.29.2024

"青い月の幻影 / Phantom of the Blue Moon"

Album Number #365

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.10.2024

Taken them on Dec.3.2024

"黒の挑発 / Black Seduction"

Album Number #364

Model: AXBdoll "GE86" Full-Silicone Zelex Inspiration 165cm(R)

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.10.2024

Taken them on Dec.3.2024

"窓辺の少女人形、夕陽にそよぐ裾 / The Girl Doll by the Window, Skirt Swaying in the Sunset"

Album Number #363

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.9

Taken them on Nov.30.2024


Album Number #362

Model: AXBdoll "GE124" Full-Silicone Zelex Inspiration 165cm(R)

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.9.2024

Taken them on Dec.1.2024

"被写体の対価 / The Price of Being Seen"

Album Number #361

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.9.2024

Taken them on Dec.1.2024


Album Number #360

Model: AXBdoll "G04" Full-Silicone Zelex Inspiration 165cm(R)

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.8.2024

Taken them on Dec.2.2024

"羽純の秘密の部活動 / Hazumi’s Secret Club Sessions"

Album Number #359

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.7.2024

Taken them on Dec.2.2024


Album Number #358

Model: AXBdoll "GE86" Full-Silicone Zelex Inspiration 165cm(R)

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.25.2024

Taken them on Nov.25.2024

"萌咲の昼下がり / Moe’s Afternoon Reverie"

Album Number #357

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.18.2024

Taken them on Nov.18.2024

"陽葵 / Himari"

Album Number #356

Model: J-cute "AGD10(Himari)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.28.2024

Taken them on Oct.27.2024


Album Number #355

Model: AXBdoll "GD21" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.28.2024

Taken them on Oct.26.2024


Album Number #354

Model: AXBdoll "GD30" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.28.2024

Taken them on Oct.25.2024

"雨に濡れたモーニング / a Morning Wet with Rain"

Album Number #353

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.19.2024

Taken them on Oct.14.2024

"挑発の代償 / The Cost of Provocation"

Album Number #352

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.19.2024

Taken them on Oct.12.2024

"テレワーク中の挑発行為と警告行為 / Provocative and Warning Behaviors during Remote Work"

Album Number #351

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.12.2024

Taken them on Oct.11.2024

"雨の日の萌咲 / Moe on a Rainy Day"

Album Number #350

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.7.2024

Taken them on Oct.7.2024

"秘密の花弁 / Secret Petals"

Album Number #349

Model: AXBdoll "GE43" Full-Silicone 154cm-A

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.28.2024

Taken them on Sep.20.2024

"ぬいぐるみ遊び / Playing with Stuffed"

Album Number #348

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.28.2024

Taken them on Sep.27.2024

"萌咲の午後 / Moe's Afternoon"

Album Number #347

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.15.2024

Taken them on Sep.15.2024

"萌咲 / Moe"

Album Number #346

Model: J-cute "AGD19(Moe)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.14.2024

Taken them on Sep.12.2024

"羽純 / Hazumi"

Album Number #345

Model: J-cute "AGD17(Hazumi)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 137cm body

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.12.2024

Taken them on Sep.11.2024

"記憶の断片から / from Memory Fragments"

Album Number #344

Model: J-cute "AGD08(Miku)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.9.2024

Taken them on Sep.8.2024

"彼女の秘密 / a Her Secret"

Album Number #343

Model: AXBdoll "GE43" Full-Silicone 154cm-A

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.2.2024

Taken them on Sep.1.2024

"彼女と揺り椅子 / Her and a Rocking Chair"

Album Number #342

Model: J-cute "AGD08(Miku)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.26.2024

Taken them on Aug.25.2024

"美郁 / Miku"

Album Number #341

Model: J-cute "AGD08(Miku)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 51 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.25.2024

Taken them on Aug.24.2024

"GE43、彼女の課外自由研究(その2) / GE43, Her Spontaneous Extracurricular Studies (Part2)"

Album Number #340

Model: AXBdoll "GE43" Full-Silicone 154cm-A

This album contains 55 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.20.2024

Taken them on Aug.19.2024

"GE43、彼女の課外自由研究(その1) / GE43, Her Spontaneous Extracurricular Studies (Part1)"

Album Number #339

Model: AXBdoll "GE43" Full-Silicone 154cm-A

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.18.2024

Taken them on Aug.17.2024

"ゆいの夜 / Yui's Night"

Album Number #338

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.3.2024

Taken them on Aug.2.2024

"ゆいの朝 / Yui's Morning"

Album Number #337

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.3.2024

Taken them on Aug.2.2024

"子猫のゆい(その2) / Kitten Yui (Part2)"

Album Number #336

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.27.2024

Taken them on Jul.26.2024

"子猫のゆい(その1) / Kitten Yui (Part1)"

Album Number #335

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 35 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.27.2024

Taken them on Jul.26.2024

"ゆいの麻縄あそび / Yui’s hemp rope playing"

Album Number #334

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.21.2024

Taken them on Jul.19.2024

"ゆいのボールあそび / Yui playing with balls"

Album Number #333

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.15.2024

Taken them on Jul.15.2024

"ゆいの日常 / Yui's Daily Life"

Album Number #332

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.11.2024

Taken them on Jul.11.2024

"Two Peaks, One Crevasse"

Album Number #331

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.8.2024

Taken them on Jul.8.2024

"唯 / Yui"

Album Number #330

Model: J-cute "AGD07(Yui)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 133cm body

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.6.2024

Taken them on Jul.6.2024

"彼女の雨の日 / Her Rainy Day"

Album Number #329

Model: AXBdoll "GD25" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.3.2024

Taken them on Jul.2.2024

"an Yinami's Afternoon"

Album Number #328

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.30.2024

Taken them on Jun.30.2024

"チルダの午後(2) / Tilde's Afternoon (2)"

Album Number #327

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.20.2024

Taken them on Mar.26,Jun.18.2024

"Mio の午後/ Mio's Afternoon"

Album Number #326

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.23.2024

Taken them on Mar.20.2024

"ドリーの闇 / Dolly's Dark Side"

Album Number #325

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.17.2024

Taken them on Mar.11.2024

"光の中のドリー / Dolly in The Light"

Album Number #324

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.11.2024

Taken them on Mar.11.2024

"花子の花は。/ Hanako's Flower"

Album Number #323

Model: Catdoll "花子/Hanako" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.5.2024

Taken them on Mar.4.2024

"ハナコの休日 / Hanako's Day Off"

Album Number #322

Model: Catdoll "花子/Hanako" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 47 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.26.2024

Taken them on Feb.23.2024

"縄を乞う少女人形 / a Girl Doll Begging for Hemp Rope"

Album Number #321

Model: Catdoll "楚楚/ChuChu" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 35 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.25.2024

Taken them on Feb.20.2024

"ドリーの午後 / Dolly's Afternoon"

Album Number #320

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.17.2024

Taken them on Feb.16.2024

"ドリーの休日 / Dolly's Day Off"

Album Number #319

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.12.2024

Taken them on Feb.12.2024

"Mio の休日(その4)/ Mio's Day Off (Part4)"

Album Number #318

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.4.2024

Taken them on Feb.4.2024

"Mio の休日(その3)/ Mio's Day Off (Part3)"

Album Number #317

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.4.2024

Taken them on Jan.28.2024

"Mio の休日(その2)/ Mio's Day Off (Part2)"

Album Number #316

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.31.2024

Taken them on Jan.27.2024

"Mio の休日/ Mio's Day Off"

Album Number #315

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.22.2024

Taken them on Jan.21.2024

"彼女のゲームスタイル / Her Gaming Style"

Album Number #314

Model: AXBdoll "GD25" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 139cm (2023) body

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.16.2024

Taken them on Jan.15.2024

"ユキの休日(パート2) / Yuki's Day Off (Part2)"

Album Number #313

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.10.2024

Taken them on Jan.8.2024

"ユキの休日(パート1) / Yuki's Day Off (Part1)"

Album Number #312

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.10.2024

Taken them on Jan.8.2024

"タミの休日 / Tami's Day Off"

Album Number #311

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 43 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.6.2024

Taken them on Jan.4.2024

"ユキの挑発 / Yuki's Provocation"

Album Number #310

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.1.2024

Taken them on Jan.1.2024

Jan.15~Dec.31 / 2023

There are 32 albums.

"ドリーの白日夢 / Dolly's Daydream"

Album Number #309

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.31.2023

Taken them on Dec.31.2023


Album Number #308

Model: AXBdoll "GD25" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 139cm (2023) body

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.30.2023

Taken them on Dec.30.2023


Album Number #307

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 44 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.29.2023

Taken them on Dec.27.2023

"完全体のMio(その2)/ Complete Mio (Part 2)"

Album Number #306

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 35 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.24.2023

Taken them on Dec.17.2023

"完全体のMio / Complete Mio"

Album Number #305

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Jcute Full-Silicone 147cm body

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.23.2023

Taken them on Dec.16.2023


Album Number #304

Model: AXBdoll "GD13" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.11.2023

Taken them on Nov.3.2023

"Sunday's Sun"

Album Number #303

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.30.2023

Taken them on Oct.22.2023

"Dolly, ―Daytime, Nighttime―"

Album Number #302

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.25.2023

Taken them on Oct.15.2023

"Dolly, ―Frontside Back―"

Album Number #301

Model: Catdoll "Dolly" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.9.2023

Taken them on Oct.7.2023

"AGD01 (Mio)"

Album Number #300

Model: J-cute "AGD01(Mio)" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.29.2023

Taken them on Sep.2.2023


Album Number #299

Model: Catdoll "Milana" Full-Silicone 139cm (2023)

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.28.2023

Taken them on Aug.27.2023

"双子姉妹と麻縄 / Twins Sisters and Hemp Rope"

Album Number #298

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.27.2023

Taken them on Aug.2.2023

"He Loves Torn Pants"

Album Number #297

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2020) body

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.26.2023

Taken them on Jul.31.2023

"Her Favorite Torn Pants"

Album Number #296

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.25.2023

Taken them on Jul.28.2023

"He is in Gaming"

Album Number #295

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.24.2023

Taken them on Jun.10.2023

"Short Shorts, an Yinan's Afternoon"

Album Number #294

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.23.2023

Taken them on Jun.4.2023

"Yuki's Hide and Show"

Album Number #293

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.22.2023

Taken them on May.27.2023

"Short Shorts, an Yinami's Afternoon"

Album Number #292

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.21.2023

Taken them on May.7.2023

"Luoyi's Secret Pochette"

Album Number #291

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2020) body

This album contains 67 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.20.2023

Taken them on Mar.21.2023

"Meshist ~Tilde~"

Album Number #290

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.19.2023

Taken them on Mar.18.2023

"こぼれ落ちそうなキャンディー / Some Candies that Looks Like About to Spill"

Album Number #289

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, MyLoliWaifu Full-Silicone 138cm-B body

This album contains 42 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.18.2023

Taken them on Mar.15.2023

"a Little Little Cutie"

Album Number #288

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 115cm body

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on May.8.2023

Taken them on Mar.11.2023


Album Number #287

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, MyLoliWaifu Full-Silicone 138cm-B body

This album contains 60 pages.

Published these photo on May.7.2023

Taken them on Mar.9.2023

"彼女たちの秘密の時間 / Their Secret Time"

Album Number #286

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,Shedoll Luoyi,Catdoll 138cm(2021)

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on May.7.2023

Taken them on Mar.7.2023

"Luoyi's Stretching Exercises"

Album Number #285

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2021) body

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on May.5.2023

Taken them on Mar.5.2023

"洛伊 / Luoyi"

Album Number #284

Model: Shedoll "洛伊/Luoyi" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 35 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.3.2023

Taken them on Mar.4.2023

"チルダのトランスルーセントな午後 / Tilde's a Translucent Afternoon"

Album Number #283

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 51 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.17.2023

Taken them on Jan.30.2023


Album Number #282

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 47 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.13.2023

Taken them on Jan.29.2023

"Hide and Show"

Album Number #281

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 44 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.11.2023

Taken them on Jan.28.2023

"揺り椅子と人形 / a Rocking Chair and a Girl Doll"

Album Number #280

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.7.2023

Taken them on Jan.21.2023

"赤いリボンと少女人形 / Some Red Ribbons, a Girl Doll"

Album Number #279

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.6.2023

Taken them on Jan.20.2023

"不機嫌の予感 / a Premonition of Dissatisfaction"

Album Number #278

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.5.2023

Taken them on Jan.15.2023

Jan.3~Dec.18 / 2022

There are 45 albums.

"三人の少女人形のカオス / These Three Girl Dolls Make Chaos"

Album Number #277

Model: Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021),Waxdoll *Aster* 142cmAA,Catdoll Vivian 138cm(2021)

This album contains 14 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.27.2022

Taken them on Nov.3.2022

"阿波しじらあそび / AWA-SHIJIRA"

Album Number #276

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.26.2022

Taken them on Nov.11.2022

"*Aster*GD06 の日常(その4) / *Aster*GD06's Daily Life (Part 4)"

Album Number #275

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.25.2022

Taken them on Nov.4,5.2022

"夕暮れ時のビビアン / Vivian at a Sunset"

Album Number #274

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 43 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.25.2022

Taken them on Oct.31.2022

"*Aster*GD06 の日常(その3) / *Aster*GD06's Daily Life (Part 3)"

Album Number #273

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 55 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.23.2022

Taken them on Oct.29.2022

"I'm just wearing R*ni"

Album Number #272

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.18.2022

Taken them on Dec.18.2022

"小雪 / Yuki"

Album Number #271

Model: Catdoll "小雪/Yuki" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.18.2022

Taken them on Dec.17.2022

"ビビアンの日常(その2) / Vivian's Daily Life (Part 2)"

Album Number #270

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 48 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.5.2022

Taken them on Oct.27.2022

"タミの日常(その3) / Tami's Daily Life (Part 3)"

Album Number #269

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2021" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.3.2022

Taken them on Oct.24.2022

"タミの日常(その2) / Tami's Daily Life (Part 2)"

Album Number #268

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2021" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.2.2022

Taken them on Oct.23.2022

"タミの日常(その1) / Tami's Daily Life (Part 1)"

Album Number #267

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2021" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.29.2022

Taken them on Oct.22.2022

"*Aster*GD06 の日常(その2) / *Aster*GD06's Daily Life (Part 2)"

Album Number #266

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.27.2022

Taken them on Oct.21.2022

"*Aster*GD06 の日常(その1) / *Aster*GD06's Daily Life (Part 1)"

Album Number #265

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.26.2022

Taken them on Oct.19.2022

"ビビアンの日常(その1) / Vivian's Daily Life (Part 1)"

Album Number #264

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.23.2022

Taken them on Oct.18.2022

"琥珀色から薄青色に変わるあいだに / While Changing from Amber to Light Blue"

Album Number #263

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.22.2022

Taken them on Oct.17.2022

"ビビアンの午後 / a Vivian's Afternoon"

Album Number #262

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.22.2022

Taken them on Oct.14.2022

"外は台風の嵐 / Storm Outside This Room"

Album Number #261

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Waxdoll Full-Silicone 142cm-AA body

This album contains 48 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.19.2022

Taken them on Sep.17,18.2022


Album Number #260

Model: Waxdoll "*Aster*/GD06" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.5.2022

Taken them on Sep.3,4.2022

"She felt around stomach is getting so warm and tighten, and gone."

Album Number #259

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.28.2022

Taken them on Aug.27.2022

"チルダの午後 / Tilde's Afternoon"

Album Number #258

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.22.2022

Taken them on Aug.21.2022


Album Number #257

Model: Waxdoll "~Tilde~/GD09" Full-Silicone 142cm-AA

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.16.2022

Taken them on Aug.16,19.2022

"ゆかたあそび / YUKATA-ASOBI"

Album Number #256

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021),Catdoll Nanako 115cm

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.16.2022

Taken them on Aug.14,15.2022

"山鉾が行く頃に / Around The Time of Gion Matsuri"

Album Number #255

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.18.2022

Taken them on Jul.17.2022

"七夕あそび / Tanabata"

Album Number #254

Model: Catdoll "奈奈子/Nanako" Full-Silicone 115cm

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.10.2022

Taken them on Jul.3,4,6,9.2022

"いつか(風の吹く夏の日に)会えたら / If We Could Meet (on a Windy Summer) Someday"

Album Number #253

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.26.2022

Taken them on Jun.26.2022

"第四種接近遭遇 / The First Contact"

Album Number #252

Model: MLW Rena 138cmB,Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.20.2022

Taken them on Jun.18,19.2022

"鳴らない、警報 / an Alarm Which Doesn't Sound"

Album Number #251

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.11.2022

Taken them on Jun.11.2022


Album Number #250

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,Catdoll Hanako 138cm(2021),Catdoll Nanako 115cm

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.6.2022

Taken them on Jun.5.2022

"The Catcher in The Rye"

Album Number #249

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 38 pages.

Published these photo on May.30.2022

Taken them on May.29.2022

"依南と依楠のないしょ話 / Secret Talking of Yinami and Yinan"

Album Number #248

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on May.26.2022

Taken them on May.22.2022

"a Gender-Free Carefree Careless Avid Student"

Album Number #247

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on May.6.2022

Taken them on May.5.2022

"Overwritten Gender"

Album Number #246

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 48 pages.

Published these photo on May.2.2022

Taken them on Apr.30.2022

"依南の休日 / Yinami's a Day Off"

Album Number #245

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.26.2022

Taken them on Apr.25.2022

"玲奈のトランスルーセントな午後 / Rena's a Translucent Afternoon"

Album Number #244

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.3.2022

Taken them on Apr.3.2022

"玲奈 / Rena"

Album Number #243

Model: MyLoliWaifu "玲奈/Rena" Full-Silicone 138cm-B

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.27.2022

Taken them on Mar.27.2022

"ななこさんの得意技 / Nanako's Special Skills"

Album Number #242

Model: Catdoll Nanako 115cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.23.2022

Taken them on Mar.21.2022


Album Number #241

Model: Catdoll "花子/Hanako" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.14.2022

Taken them on Mar.13.2022

"トランスルーセントな日々 / Translucent Days"

Album Number #240

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.6.2022

Taken them on Feb.26.2022~Mar.6.2022

"黄昏どきの人形 / a Doll at Twilight"

Album Number #239

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.25.2022

Taken them on Feb.24.2022

"a Girly-Boyish-Doll in The House"

Album Number #238

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2021) body

This album contains 44 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.22.2022

Taken them on Feb.21.2022

"彼女の秘密 / Her Secret"

Album Number #237

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2021) body

This album contains 38 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.13.2022

Taken them on Feb.12.2022

"トランスルーセントな午後 / a Translucent Afternoon"

Album Number #236

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.12.2022

Taken them on Feb.11.2022

"ひとり遊び / Play Alone"

Album Number #235

Model: Catdoll "美穂/Miho" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.1.2022

Taken them on Jan.31.2022

"彼女の秘密の花束 / Her Secret Bouquet"

Album Number #234

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2021) body

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.4.2022

Taken them on Jan.4.2022

"なかよし従姉妹 / Best Friends Cousin"

Album Number #233

Model: Catdoll 小小/Cici 115cm,Catdoll Vivian 138cm(2021)

This album contains 53 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.4.2022

Taken them on Jan.3.2022

Jan.10~Dec.29 / 2021

There are 57 albums.

"陽翔 / Haruto"

Album Number #232

Model: MyLoliWaifu "陽翔/Haruto" head, Catdoll Full-Silicone 138cm (2021) body

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.29.2021

Taken them on Dec.28.2021

"Best Friends"

Album Number #231

Model: Catdoll Vivian 138cm(2021),Catdoll ChuChu 138cm(2020)

This album contains 38 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.22.2021

Taken them on Dec.18.2021

"楚楚 / Chuchu"

Album Number #230

Model: Catdoll "楚楚/ChuChu" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 38 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.13.2021

Taken them on Dec.12.2021

"Too Short and Too Small"

Album Number #229

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.3.2021

Taken them on Dec.1~3.2021

"彼女の絶対領域(パート2) / Her Absolute Territory (Part 2)"

Album Number #228

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 47 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.29.2021

Taken them on Nov.28.2021

"彼女の絶対領域 / Her Absolute Territory"

Album Number #227

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.23.2021

Taken them on Nov.23.2021

"小薇 / Vivian"

Album Number #226

Model: Catdoll "小薇/Vivian" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.21.2021

Taken them on Nov.21.2021

"誘惑と警戒、挑発と警告 / Temptations and Vigilances, Provocations and Warnings"

Album Number #225

Model: Catdoll "小雅/Ya" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 49 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.15.2021

Taken them on Nov.14.2021

"Micro x Micro"

Album Number #224

Model: Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021),XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.7.2021

Taken them on Nov.6.2021

"スポーツは苦手だけど / They Are Not Good at Sports, But..."

Album Number #223

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 59 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.1.2021

Taken them on Oct.30.2021

"彼女の憂鬱な日の縄 / Her Melancholy Day and Nawa"

Album Number #222

Model: Catdoll "小雅/Ya" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.24.2021

Taken them on Oct.24.2021

"憂鬱の前の戯れ / Dalliance Before Melancholy"

Album Number #221

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,Catdoll Ya 138cm(2021)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.24.2021

Taken them on Oct.23.2021

"冷たい雨の日 / a Cold Rainy Day"

Album Number #220

Model: Catdoll "奈奈子/Nanako" Full-Silicone 115cm

This album contains 49 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.18.2021

Taken them on Oct.17.2021

"彼女の気だるく退屈な午後 / Her Ennui Afternoon"

Album Number #219

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.15.2021

Taken them on Oct.10.2021

"白仔猫、黒仔猫(パート3) / White Kitten, Black Kitten (Part 3)"

Album Number #218

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.9.2021

Taken them on Oct.4.2021

"白仔猫、黒仔猫(パート2) / White Kitten, Black Kitten (Part 2)"

Album Number #217

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.9.2021

Taken them on Oct.3.2021

"白仔猫、黒仔猫(パート1) / White Kitten, Black Kitten (Part 1)"

Album Number #216

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.9.2021

Taken them on Oct.3.2021

"白子猫 / a White Kitten"

Album Number #215

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2021" Full-Silicone 138cm (2021)

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.3.2021

Taken them on Oct.2.2021

"Micro Mini + Micro Mini"

Album Number #214

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.24.2021

Taken them on Sep.23.2021

"Micro + Micro"

Album Number #213

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.20.2021

Taken them on Sep.19.2021

"Tami-2021 and Nanako"

Album Number #212

Model: Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021),Catdoll Nanako 115cm

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.19.2021

Taken them on Sep.18.2021

"Tami-2020, Tami-2021"

Album Number #211

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Tami(2021) 138cm(2021)

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.12.2021

Taken them on Sep.11.2021

"しめった初秋の日と縄 / a Wet Early Autumn Day and Nawa"

Album Number #210

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.5.2021

Taken them on Sep.5.2021

"Nanako, Cici and Tami"

Album Number #209

Model: Catdoll Nanako 115cm,Catdoll 小小/Cici 115cm,Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020)

This album contains 6 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.5.2021

Taken them on Sep.3.2021


Album Number #208

Model: Catdoll "小小/Cici" Full-Silicone 115cm

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.4.2021

Taken them on Sep.4.2021

"双子姉妹のセルフィーなひととき / a Selfie Moment of Twins"

Album Number #207

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.11.2021

Taken them on Aug.11.2021

"真夏のブックリーダー / a Midsummer Book Reader"

Album Number #206

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.2.2021

Taken them on Aug.1.2021

"繰り返される故障、そして自己修復と自己実装 / Repeated Malfunction then Self-Repair and Self-Implementation"

Album Number #205

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.31.2021

Taken them on Jul.31.2021

"ハイ・ヌーン / High Noon"

Album Number #204

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.24.2021

Taken them on Jul.23.2021

"サーマルが強く吹く午後 / an Afternoon When The Thermal Hi-Wind Blows"

Album Number #203

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.18.2021

Taken them on Jul.17.2021

"晴れ時々曇のち縄 / Sunny Sometimes Cloudy then Nawa"

Album Number #202

Model: Catdoll "靜靜/Jing" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.11.2021

Taken them on Jul.10.2021

"とあるドールズオーディションのように / Like a Doll's Audition"

Album Number #201

Model: Catdoll "靜靜/Jing" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.4.2021

Taken them on Jul.3.2021

"梅雨の日の彼女の過ごし方 / in Her Case, How to Spend The Rainy Season"

Album Number #200

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.21.2021

Taken them on Jun.20.2021

"手の残縄痕が Right-On / The Remaining NAWA Marks are Still Right-On Her Hand"

Album Number #199

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.13.2021

Taken them on Jun.13.2021

"彼女にぴったりな Right-On / Clothes to Fit Right-On Her"

Album Number #198

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 27 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.13.2021

Taken them on Jun.12.2021

"ある少女人形と彼女のお気に入り(パート3) / a Girl Doll and Her Buddy (Part 3)"

Album Number #197

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on May.23.2021

Taken them on May.22.2021

"小玉と小雅は従姉妹? / are Tami and Ya Cousin?"

Album Number #196

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 136cm(TPE),Catdoll Ya 138cm(2020)

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on May.16.2021

Taken them on May.15.2021

"双子姉妹と妹の日常 / Usual Day of The Twins and Their Younger Sister"

Album Number #195

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020)

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on May.4.2021

Taken them on May.2.2021

"小雅 / Ya"

Album Number #194

Model: Catdoll "小雅/Ya" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.24.2021

Taken them on Apr.24.2021

"ツイッター投稿1周年〜ちょうど1年前の初投稿写真から〜 / 1st Anniversary of BxF Twitter"

Album Number #193

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" TPE 136cm

This album contains 6 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.19.2021

Taken them on Apr.19.2020(1 Year ago)

"ある少女人形と彼女のお気に入り(パート2) / a Girl Doll and Her Buddy (Part 2)"

Album Number #192

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.17.2021

Taken them on Apr.17.2021

"双子姉妹の夜の日常〜記憶のかけらから(その2)〜 / How to Spend Night Time of Yinamin Twins ~from my fragmented memories (2 of 2)~"

Album Number #191

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.12.2021

Taken them on Apr.11.2021

"ある少女人形と彼女のお気に入り(パート1)/ a Girl Doll and Her Buddy (Part 1)"

Album Number #190

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 14 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.9.2021

Taken them on Apr.3.2021, ...

"more Blink, more Wink"

Album Number #189

Model: Catdoll Tami(2020) 138cm(2020),Catdoll Miho 138cm(2020),Catdoll Sasha 138cm(2020),Catdoll Qiu 138cm(2020),XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,Level-D Iris ,Level-D MIREI Cure ,Level-D AYANA Relax ,Realdoll Mai

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.3.2022

Taken them on Jan.23.2005, ...

"双子姉妹の日常 (Part 2) / How to Spend Day Time of Yinamin Twins (Part 2)"

Album Number #188

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.22.2022

Taken them on Mar.15.2021, ...

"双子姉妹の夜の日常〜記憶のかけらから(その1)〜 / How to Spend Night Time of Yinamin Twins ~from my fragmented memories (1 of 2)~"

Album Number #187

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 35 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.21.2021

Taken them on Mar.20.2021

"貞 / SADA(Ring)"

Album Number #186

Model: Catdoll "秋/Qiu" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 6 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.13.2021

Taken them on Mar.13.2021

"双子姉妹の日常 (Part 1) / How to Spend Day Time of Yinamin Twins (Part 1)"

Album Number #185

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.12.2021

Taken them on Mar.9.2021, ...

"秋の日常 / Qiu's daily life"

Album Number #184

Model: Catdoll "秋/Qiu" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.7.2021

Taken them on Mar.3.2021, ...

"美穂と Sasha と依楠の日常 / Miho, Sasha and Yinan's daily life"

Album Number #183

Model: Catdoll Miho 138cm(2020),Catdoll Sasha 138cm(2020),XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.1.2021

Taken them on Feb.20.2021, ...

"縄を待つ少女人形 / a Girl Doll who Waiting to be Tied Up Using NAWA"

Album Number #182

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.28.2021

Taken them on Feb.28.2021

"人形あそび2 / NINGYO-ASOBI Part2"

Album Number #181

Model: Catdoll "美穂/Miho" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.22.2021

Taken them on Feb.22.2021

"秋と美穂と依楠の日常 / Qiu, Miho and Yinan's daily life"

Album Number #180

Model: Catdoll Qiu 138cm(2020),Catdoll Miho 138cm(2020),XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.16.2021

Taken them on Feb.5.2021, ...

"彼女の胸の悩み / Trouble in Her Breast"

Album Number #179

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.15.2021

Taken them on Feb.14.2021

"美穗 / Miho"

Album Number #178

Model: Catdoll "美穂/Miho" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 43 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.6.2021

Taken them on Feb.6.2021

"少女人形のステイホームの過ごし方 / Her Pastime at The Stayhome"

Album Number #177

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.11.2021

Taken them on Jan.11.2021

"ステイホーム少女人形の秘め事 / The Secret of a Stayhome Girl Doll"

Album Number #176

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 42 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.10.2021

Taken them on Jan.10.2021

Apr.25~Nov.3 / 2020

There are 16 albums.

"千代紙あそび(その2) / CHI-YO-GA-MI (Part 2)"

Album Number #175

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.4.2020

Taken them on Nov.3.2020


Album Number #174

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.1.2020

Taken them on Nov.1.2020

"彼女の朝のウォームアップ / Her Morning Warm-Ups"

Album Number #173

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.25.2020

Taken them on Oct.25.2020

"揺り椅子と夏服の人形の関係 / a Relationship between Rocking Chair and Girl Doll wearing Summer Uniform"

Album Number #172

Model: XYcolo Doll "依南/Yinami" 163cm-C

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.20.2020

Taken them on Oct.20.2020


Album Number #171

Model: Catdoll "莎莎/Sasha" Full-Silicone 138cm (2020)

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.15.2020

Taken them on Oct.15.2020

"fork & exec, Twins"

Album Number #170

Model: XYcoloDoll Yinan 163cm,XYcoloDoll Yinami 163cm

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.3.2020

Taken them on Oct.3.2020


Album Number #169

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.30.2020

Taken them on Aug.30.2020

"長い黒髪と麻縄 / Long Black Hair and Hemp Rope"

Album Number #168

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.30.2020

Taken them on Aug.29.2020

"自撮り少女人形 / a Selfie Girl Doll"

Album Number #167

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.23.2020

Taken them on Aug.23.2020

"紙ふうせんとアシンメトリーと麻縄と / KAMI-FUSEN and Asymmetry and Hemp Rope and..."

Album Number #166

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" TPE 136cm

This album contains 39 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.12.2020

Taken them on Aug.11.2020

"緩いストレッチ運動 / The Loose Stretch Exercise"

Album Number #165

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.2.2020

Taken them on Aug.1.2020

"属性確認 / The Attribute Confirmation"

Album Number #164

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" TPE 136cm

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.24.2020

Taken them on Jul.24.2020

"依楠 / Yinan"

Album Number #163

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.5.2020

Taken them on Jul.4.2020

"どっちにする? / Which do you choose?"

Album Number #162

Model: XYcolo Doll "依楠/Yinan" 163cm-C

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.28.2020

Taken them on Jun.28.2020

"未成熟な哺乳類的人形 / an Immature Mammal Doll"

Album Number #161

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" TPE 136cm

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on May.16.2020

Taken them on May.16.2020

"小玉 / Tami"

Album Number #160

Model: Catdoll "小玉/Tami-2020" TPE 136cm

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.29.2020

Taken them on Apr.25.2020

Mar.10~Jun.22 / 2015

There are 2 albums.


Album Number #159

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 142 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.22.2015

Taken them on May.24.2015

"少年的少女な人形2/a Boyish Girly Doll 2"

Album Number #158

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 90 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.10.2015

Taken them on Mar.05.2015

Feb.9~Dec.11 / 2014

There are 3 albums.

"竹あそび2 / TAKE-ASOBI (Part2)"

Album Number #157

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 94 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.11.2014

Taken them on Nov.9.2014

"午後のセキュリティチェック / a Security Check at Afternoon"

Album Number #156

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 79 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.18.2014

Taken them on Mar.15.2014


Album Number #155

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 68 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.9.2014

Taken them on Feb.1.2014

Jan.6~Dec.12 / 2013

There are 8 albums.


Album Number #154

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.19.2013

Taken them on Dec.12.2013

"初冬とスクール水着 / School Swimsuit, and Early Winter"

Album Number #153

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 83 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.9.2013

Taken them on Nov.30.2013


Album Number #152

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.20.2013

Taken them on Sep.16.2013


Album Number #151

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 83 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.19.2013

Taken them on Jun.16.2013


Album Number #150

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.2.2013

Taken them on May.25.2013


Album Number #149

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on May.19.2013

Taken them on May.18.2013


Album Number #148

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 79 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.27.2013

Taken them on Jan.20.2013


Album Number #147

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 69 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.6.2013

Taken them on Jan.5.2013

Jan.17~Dec.9 / 2012

There are 12 albums.


Album Number #146

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 62 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.9.2012

Taken them on Nov.25.2012


Album Number #145

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 51 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.12.2012

Taken them on Nov.11.2012


Album Number #144

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 66 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.4.2012

Taken them on Oct.21.2012


Album Number #143

Model: Project Level-D "Iris"

This album contains 75 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.25.2012

Taken them on Oct.14.2012


Album Number #142

Model: Project Level-D "MADOROMI"

This album contains 55 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.7.2012

Taken them on Oct.1.2012


Album Number #141

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 78 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.17.2012

Taken them on Sep.8.2012


Album Number #140

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.11.2012

Taken them on Sep.9.2012

"俄雨のち虹 / a Rainbow after Squall"

Album Number #139

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on May.6.2012

Taken them on May.4.2012


Album Number #138

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.20.2012

Taken them on Mar.19.2012


Album Number #137

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 50 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.29.2012

Taken them on Feb.26.2012


Album Number #136

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.20.2012

Taken them on Feb.18.2012


Album Number #135

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.17.2012

Taken them on Jan.15.2012

Mar.3~Nov.20 / 2011

There are 8 albums.

"a Girl with some Mole"

Album Number #134

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.20.2011

Taken them on Nov.13.2011

"雨宿り / Sheltering against Heavy Rain"

Album Number #133

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.7.2011

Taken them on Jul.31.2011


Album Number #132

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 44 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.10.2011

Taken them on Jul.3.2011


Album Number #131

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 47 pages.

Published these photo on May.3.2011

Taken them on May.2.2011

"蝶と縄と花弁 / a Butterfly, Nawa and a Petal"

Album Number #130

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.25.2011

Taken them on Apr.24.2011


Album Number #129

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 33 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.12.2011

Taken them on Apr.11.2011


Album Number #128

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.15.2011

Taken them on Mar.15.2011


Album Number #127

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.3.2011

Taken them on Feb.27.2011

Apr.4~Dec.25 / 2010

There are 10 albums.

"風船とおさげ髪 / Braided Hair and Rubber Balloons"

Album Number #126

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.25.2010

Taken them on Dec.23.2010

"蜂蜜色の午後 / Honey Sweet Afternoon"

Album Number #125

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.5.2010

Taken them on Dec.4.2010

"宅配人形 / a Delivered Doll"

Album Number #124

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.24.2010

Taken them on Nov.22.2010


Album Number #123

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 57 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.3.2010

Taken them on Nov.2.2010

"いつもの放課後のお楽しみ / Hokago Ki-Time"

Album Number #122

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 71 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.30.2010

Taken them on Aug.22.2010


Album Number #121

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.19.2010

Taken them on Jul.18.2010

"花あそび / HANA-ASOBI"

Album Number #120

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 62 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.14.2010

Taken them on Jun.12.2010


Album Number #119

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 46 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.4.2010

Taken them on Apr.29.2010


Album Number #118

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 41 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.23.2010

Taken them on Apr.18.2010

"ちょっぴり不機嫌な午後 パート2 / a Little Ill-Humored Afternoon (Part2)"

Album Number #117

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 31 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.4.2010

Taken them on Mar.28.2010

Jan.4~Nov.23 / 2009

There are 17 albums.

"男装少女人形 / a Girl Doll in Male Attire"

Album Number #116

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 51 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.23.2009

Taken them on Nov.21.2009


Album Number #115

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 45 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.7.2009

Taken them on Nov.3.2009

"黄昏色の後に / After The Golden Light"

Album Number #114

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.12.2009

Taken them on Oct.11.2009

"ちょっと歪んだ赤くて小さい果実 / a Little Distorted Red Little Fruit"

Album Number #113

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 57 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.28.2009

Taken them on Sep.27.2009

"球体関節人形 SHIZUKA / a Ball Joint Doll SHIZUKA"

Album Number #112

Model: Doll Warashi "Shizuka"

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.22.2009

Taken them on Aug.22.2009


Album Number #111

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 38 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.7.2009

Taken them on Aug.5.2009


Album Number #110

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.20.2009

Taken them on Jul.19.2009

"未玲 パート2 / MIREI (Part2)"

Album Number #109

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.6.2009

Taken them on Jul.5.2009

"未玲 / MIREI"

Album Number #108

Model: Project Level-D "MIREI Cure"

This album contains 44 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.28.2009

Taken them on Jun.21.2009

"少年のような少女的人形 / a Boyish Girly Doll"

Album Number #107

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 63 pages.

Published these photo on May.17.2009

Taken them on May.16.2009


Album Number #106

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on May.5.2009

Taken them on May.5.2009

"期待と不安 / Her Expectation and Uneasiness"

Album Number #105

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on May.1.2009

Taken them on Apr.26.2009

"色紙あそび / I-RO-GA-MI"

Album Number #104

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 62 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.14.2009

Taken them on Apr.12.2009

"ちょっぴり不機嫌な午後 / a Little Ill-Humored Afternoon"

Album Number #103

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.5.2009

Taken them on Apr.5.2009

"夏服の人形 / a Doll who Wears Summer Sailor Suit"

Album Number #102

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.31.2009

Taken them on Jan.30.2009


Album Number #101

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 36 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.13.2009

Taken them on Jan.12.2009


Album Number #100

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 61 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.4.2009

Taken them on Jan.3.2009

Mar.1~Dec.22 / 2008

There are 11 albums.

"ビー玉あそび / Play Marbles"

Album Number #99

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.22.2008

Taken them on Dec.21.2008

"少女とベンチ1 / a Girl and a Bench (Part1)"

Album Number #98

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.19.2008

Taken them on Dec.7.2008

"少女とベンチ2 / a Girl and a Bench (Part2)"

Album Number #97

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.19.2008

Taken them on Dec.7.2008


Album Number #96

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.12.2008

Taken them on Nov.10.2008


Album Number #95

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 23 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.26.2008

Taken them on Oct.25.2008

"AYANA-B (Basic)"

Album Number #94

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Basic"

This album contains 37 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.18.2008

Taken them on Oct.13.2008


Album Number #93

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 43 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.25.2008

Taken them on Jul.23.2008


Album Number #92

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 9 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.17.2008

Taken them on Jun.16.2008

"桜色 / Cherry Blossoms Color"

Album Number #91

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 54 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.24.2008

Taken them on Mar.23.2008

"囚われの人形 パート3 / a Captive Doll (Part3)"

Album Number #90

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 34 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.14.2008

Taken them on Mar.13.2008

"千代紙あそび / CHI-YO-GA-MI"

Album Number #89

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.1.2008

Taken them on Jul.8.2007

Mar.10~Jul.8 / 2007

There are 8 albums.


Album Number #88

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.8.2007

Taken them on Jul.7.2007


Album Number #87

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 22 pages.

Published these photo on May.12.2007

Taken them on May.12.2007

"静物 2 / a Still Life 2"

Album Number #86

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 6 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.29.2007

Taken them on Apr.28.2007


Album Number #85

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.15.2007

Taken them on Apr.14.2007


Album Number #84

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.8.2007

Taken them on Apr.7.2007


Album Number #83

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.1.2007

Taken them on Mar.31.2007


Album Number #82

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.24.2007

Taken them on Mar.24.2007

"綾苗 / AYANA (Relax)"

Album Number #81

Model: Project Level-D "AYANA Relax"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.10.2007

Taken them on Mar.9.2007

Nov.4~Dec.15 / 2006

There are 2 albums.

"ある少女の秘密の願望 / a Girl's The Dark-Style Wish"

Album Number #80

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.15.2006

Taken them on Nov.22.2006

"麻縄の感触 / Feel of Hemp Rope"

Album Number #79

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.4.2006

Taken them on Nov.3.2006

Jan.17~Aug.20 / 2005

There are 20 albums.


Album Number #78

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 53 pages.

Published these photo on Aug.20.2005

Taken them on Aug.6.2005

"かすかに透けた憂鬱 / Gloom Faintly Transparent"

Album Number #77

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 30 pages.

Published these photo on May.22.2005

Taken them on May.21.2005

"気ままなブックリーダー / a Carefree Reader"

Album Number #76

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on May.15.2005

Taken them on May.14.2005

"桜色、舞う頃に / When Cherry Blossoms Bloom"

Album Number #75

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 40 pages.

Published these photo on May.3.2005

Taken them on May.2.2005

"人形・SAKURA / a Doll SAKURA"

Album Number #74

Model: Unison "Sakura"

This album contains 28 pages.

Published these photo on May.1.2005

Taken them on Apr.30.2005

"鎖のアクセサリー / Chain Accessories"

Album Number #73

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.17.2005

Taken them on Apr.17.2005

"囚われの人形 パート2 / a Captive Doll (Part2)"

Album Number #72

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.10.2005

Taken them on Apr.9.2005

"アンバランスな果実 / an Imbalanced Fruit"

Album Number #71

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.4.2005

Taken them on Apr.3.2005

"秘密の薔薇の花 / Her Secret Rose"

Album Number #70

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.3.2005

Taken them on Mar.27.2005

"囚われの人形 / a Captive Doll"

Album Number #69

Model: Orient "Elmina"

This album contains 11 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.13.2005

Taken them on Mar.13.2005

"ニカンデラノアカリ / Two Candela"

Album Number #68

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.12.2005

Taken them on Mar.12.2005


Album Number #67

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.6.2005

Taken them on Mar.5.2005

"お手玉あそび / OTEDAMA-ASOBI"

Album Number #66

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.28.2005

Taken them on Feb.25.2005

"Blue Point 810Kc/S"

Album Number #65

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.27.2005

Taken them on Feb.26.2005

"ペパーミントな午後 / Peppermint Afternoon"

Album Number #64

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 14 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.21.2005

Taken them on Feb.20.2005

"紙ふうせん / KAMI-FUSEN"

Album Number #63

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.9.2005

Taken them on Feb.6.2005

"with Teddy and Louk"

Album Number #62

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.6.2005

Taken them on Feb.5.2005

"花びらのご馳走 / Petalled Meal"

Album Number #61

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 19 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.26.2005

Taken them on Jan.23.2005

"お茶の時間の後に / After Teatime"

Album Number #60

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 29 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.22.2005

Taken them on Jan.22.2005

"ティータイムの薔薇 / The Rose of Teatime"

Album Number #59

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.17.2005

Taken them on Jan.16.2005

Jan.3~Dec.25 / 2004

There are 22 albums.


Album Number #58

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.25.2004

Taken them on Dec.23.2004

"闇と紅 / Darkness and Red"

Album Number #57

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.20.2004

Taken them on Dec.19.2004

"夏祭りの記憶 / The Memory of The Summer Festival"

Album Number #56

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 48 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.14.2004

Taken them on Dec.12.2004


Album Number #55

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 32 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.5.2004

Taken them on Dec.4.2004

"茱萸、柘榴、無花果 / An Elaeagnus, A Pomegranate and some Figs"

Album Number #54

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 26 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.22.2004

Taken them on Sep.20.2004

"枝分かれした関係 / The Forked Relationship"

Album Number #53

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.27.2004

Taken them on Jun.26.2004

"続・仄暗い部屋のジムスタイル / Gym Style in The Dark (Part2)"

Album Number #52

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.18.2004

Taken them on Mar.28.2004

"続・折り鶴と甘いお菓子と / ORIZURU, Sweets and...(Part2)"

Album Number #51

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 9 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.10.2004

Taken them on Mar.28.2004

"折り鶴と甘いお菓子と / ORIZURU, Sweets and..."

Album Number #50

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.4.2004

Taken them on Mar.28.2004

"仄暗い部屋のジムスタイル / Gym Style in The Dark"

Album Number #49

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.28.2004

Taken them on Mar.28.2004

"彼女の万華鏡 / Her Kaleidoscope"

Album Number #48

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.20.2004

Taken them on Mar.14.2004

"続・柑橘の香り / The Scent of Citrus (Part2)"

Album Number #47

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.13.2004

Taken them on Feb.22.2004

"静物 / a Still Life"

Album Number #46

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.6.2004

Taken them on Mar.1.2004


Album Number #45

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Mar.1.2004

Taken them on Feb.29.2004

"柑橘の香り / The Scent of Citrus"

Album Number #44

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.22.2004

Taken them on Feb.22.2004


Album Number #43

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 12 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.15.2004

Taken them on Feb.15.2004

"人形あそび / NINGYO-ASOBI"

Album Number #42

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 9 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.11.2004

Taken them on Feb.11.2004

"半透明な薄桃色 / Translucent Light Peach Color"

Album Number #41

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Feb.1.2004

Taken them on Jan.31.2004

"行燈 / ANDON"

Album Number #40

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 14 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.25.2004

Taken them on Jan.24.2004

"Cho 'Bit Gothic (Part2)"

Album Number #39

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.16.2004

Taken them on Jan.12.2004


Album Number #38

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 24 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.11.2004

Taken them on Jan.10.2004

"陽だまりの中で / In a Sunny Place"

Album Number #37

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.3.2004

Taken them on Dec.27.2003

Jan.13~Dec.26 / 2003

There are 21 albums.

"Cho 'Bit Gothic"

Album Number #36

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.26.2003

Taken them on Dec.23.2003

"竹あそび / TAKE-ASOBI"

Album Number #35

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.19.2003

Taken them on Dec.7.2003

"クリスマスの贈りもの / Christmas Present"

Album Number #34

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.12.2003

Taken them on Dec.6.2003

"少年Y / a Boy 'Y' "

Album Number #33

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Dec.6.2003

Taken them on Nov.29.2003


Album Number #32

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.29.2003

Taken them on Nov.23.2003

"3つのリボン / Three Ribbons"

Album Number #31

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 20 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.22.2003

Taken them on Nov.22.2003

"R · u · g · g · i · r · l"

Album Number #30

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.8.2003

Taken them on Nov.1.2003

"Shining Orange"

Album Number #29

Model: Orient "Elmina"

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.1.2003

Taken them on Oct.30.2003

"with Vino"

Album Number #28

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 11 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.27.2003

Taken them on Sep.23.2003

"秋桜 / Cosmos"

Album Number #27

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.19.2003

Taken them on Oct.19.2003

"雨のご褒美 / Rainy Day Sweets"

Album Number #26

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 17 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.13.2003

Taken them on Oct.13.2003


Album Number #25

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 25 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.12.2003

Taken them on Oct.11.2003

"影人形 / a Shadow Puppet"

Album Number #24

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 14 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.21.2003

Taken them on Jul.20.2003

"ある夏の日に / On a Summer Day"

Album Number #23

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.5.2003

Taken them on Jul.5.2003

"おはじき遊び / OHAJIKI"

Album Number #22

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.21.2003

Taken them on Jun.8.2003

"ある日の放課後 / an After School"

Album Number #21

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.14.2003

Taken them on Jun.14.2003

"無印 / MUJI"

Album Number #20

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.7.2003

Taken them on Jun.7.2003

"続・メイド娘 / a Maid Girl (Part2)"

Album Number #19

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 21 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.22.2003

Taken them on Jan.17.2003

"白昼夢 / a Daydream"

Album Number #18

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 7 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.19.2003

Taken them on Jan.19.2003

"メイド娘 / a Maid Girl"

Album Number #17

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.17.2003

Taken them on Jan.17.2003

"はり穴写真 / Stenopephotographie"

Album Number #16

Model: Orient "Elmina"

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Jan.13.2003

Taken them on Jan.12.2003

Apr.29~Nov.10 / 2002

There are 16 albums.

"折り紙 / ORIGAMI"

Album Number #15

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 10 pages.

Published these photo on Nov.10.2002

Taken them on Nov.10.2002

"久美子(改) / Reborn"

Album Number #14

Model: Orient "Elmina"

This album contains 7 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.15.2002

Taken them on Oct.15.2002


Album Number #13

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.12.2002

Taken them on Oct.10.2002

"ベンチ / a Bench"

Album Number #12

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 11 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.04.2002

Taken them on Oct.4.2002

"a Tennis Girl"

Album Number #11

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 13 pages.

Published these photo on Oct.01.2002

Taken them on Oct.1.2002


Album Number #10

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 15 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.29.2002

Taken them on Sep.29.2002


Album Number #9

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Sep.28.2002

Taken them on Sep.28.2002

"自縛する少女 / a Girl who Bond Oneself"

Album Number #8

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 16 pages.

Published these photo on Jul.11.2002

Taken them on Jun.30.2002

"青い瞳 / Blue Eyes"

Album Number #7

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 7 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.27.2002

Taken them on Mar.18.2002


Album Number #6

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 18 pages.

Published these photo on Jun.16.2002

Taken them on Jun.15.2002

"an Imported Girl"

Album Number #5

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 7 pages.

Published these photo on May.20.2002

Taken them on May.19.2002

"玩具少女 / a Toy Girl"

Album Number #4

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 4 pages.

Published these photo on May.11.2002

Taken them on May.9.2002

"18号(仮) / No.18 (It's Tentative)"

Album Number #3

Model: - "-" -

This album contains 9 pages.

Published these photo on May.6.2002

Taken them on May.6.2002


Album Number #2

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on May.2.2002

Taken them on Apr.6.2002

"久美子 / Kumiko"

Album Number #1

Model: Orient "Elmina"

This album contains 8 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.30.2002

Taken them on Jan.8.2002

"由佳 / Yuka"

Album Number #0

Model: Abyss Creations Realdoll "Mai"

This album contains 7 pages.

Published these photo on Apr.29.2002

Taken them on Apr.29.2002



Doll PhotoSpeak / ♫ "Endless 1 O'Clock"

Movie Number #0

Released on Dec.5.2009

